open house(9 oktober 2010)
Saturday, October 9, 2010 | 6:45 AM | 1 comments
pew hari yang paling memenat kan..... pergi open hose with mysister frens......tpey aq bgag tol argh gan ayu nie ktew x suke tangkap gambar dia tangkap jagak , n dye ltak plak at face book.... segan nyee.... memang segan gilew argh... ayu jge ko ayu.... wwwweeeeekkkkkk.......
dah lar gambar 2 bele x hensem plaq tu.....
eeerrrmmmmm huhuhuhuhu....
than mse pergi umah ihram kan adew plaq pgiring lagu industand... huhuhuhu... klakar aq tengok....
darh argh lagu 2 dyeowng hafal pulak 2..... hehehehe.... boleh jadi becap singing taw huhu....
natiy aq nk blajar gan dyeowng argh. then sampay umah basherah bdak 2 smbong blek tgok ctew industand to.... rmay kowt pnontot wyang kat umah bsherah.... ktew lpak kat umah bsherah lme glew argh. akak aq n frenns x dew kejew pgey floor ats skliy....
fist time aq jmpe gan dak lelaki class 5science2, aq igt dye owng nie smbong, ternyate xpown aq jew slah sngke kat dyeowng nie.... ssoorrriii..... dye mmg suke buat klakar btol argh.. terutamenye mira, eehhhhh mira nie klo bab nie number one taw.... huhuhu sori mira. tadiy at umh bsherah aq mkn cucuk udang jew, coz knyang larh.... nty klo makan bayak2 nty gmok pulak.... sekarang nie nak diet, coz lemak banyak.....
tadiy mase nak balik 2, mmg penat gilew argh... nseb bek jumpe kerete hafez at block polis 2. dye g umh harith.... ape dye owng buat pown x taw argh.... budak class akak aq nie plek2 argh aq tengok budak class akak aq nie haih.. ape nk jadi. ape nk jdiy...... eeeerrrmmmmmmmm........ mse kat lrt kan ade plaq anjeng nie.... dye ikot jew aq, aq apew lgey mglpuh aq lary gan akak aq.. huhuhuhuhu.......
k argh stkay nie jew argh aq tulis penat tagan nak taip.....
kkkkkkk.... bbbyyyeeeeeee...
ayu, yusra and mirol
mena,yusra,mira and mirol
yusra and amirul